Dominick Saponaro

Dominick Saponaro is an illustrator from Philadelphia, PA. His work can be found in

numerous publications by clients such as Simon & Schuster, Holiday House, Solaris

Books, Bethlehem Books, and Running Press. His work has been featured

in Spectrum and ImagineFX Magazine, and has been showcased in numerous galleries

and illustration shows.

Using expressive brushstrokes with dramatic lighting Dominick creates striking moods

within his work that go well beyond just illustrating the assigned story. Originally trained

in oils he applies the same classical techniques taught for centuries to the modern

realm of digital art, keeping true to the application of paint through today's digital tools.

Influenced by many Golden Age illustrators like NC Wyeth, Dean Cornwell and Howard

Pyle, Dominick incorporates many of their fundamental techniques of drawing,

composition and value within his own works. Much like his influences Dominick strives

to create works of art that transcend illustration.

You can find more of Dominick's work at his website