As a self-taught artist... I search for
universal themes which evoke specific emotions from the viewer... I am
interested mainly in sexuality and mortality in my narratives. I look for
the souls of individuals in my work, and try to represent them on the
canvas. I paint drunks, fairy godmothers, prostitutes and invented
scenarios which are drawn from observing everyday life. I paint in color
and black and white. I draw greatly from mysticism, religion, pornography,
anthropology, philosophy, psychology and I am influenced greatly by German
expressionism, pop art and Deco. I enjoy using symbols to evoke emotions
in my work. I believe in Jungian collective unconscious and try to infuse
my work with symbols that the viewer can relate in a variety of ways to
understand the story that I am trying to illustrate. I believe that I am a
"modern day shaman" whose main responsibility is to become a vehicle for
an energy greater than myself. I sometimes feel like an "idiot savant",
and paint intuitively rather than strategically. I research images, do
preliminary prototypes and agonize over composition and color, but once
the brush is in my hand, all prior planning may go by the wayside.
Painting allows me to exorcise personal demons and search for "who I am".
If there is one thing I have learned since starting this artistic journey,
it is that I feel: "we all die confused".
In addition to several
new artworks, the exhibition will serve as the official book release for
Rich's 3rd book:

"Chicago Stories and
Other Thoughts from a Working Class Guy"
'Chicago Stories' is a tour of
the city and its' people from a working class point of view. The reader
meets many strange characters and places. The authors' thoughts are
provocative and entertaining.
This book is my life! Reading it is not for
the faint of heart! Hide it from your children. I'm a guy who wears many
"hats" in life, so I think you might be interested in my "journey". You
ask about me? I'm a rough-and-tumble city guy from the South-side of
Chicago. I managed to pull myself up from poverty and make a pretty darn
good living for myself. I also managed to become an alcoholic. Above all
else, my story is about overcoming adversity. My redemption comes from
honesty and love.
About the Author
Rich Cronborg is a retired Heavy-Equipment-Operator, currently residing in
Wheaton, Illinois. Rich spent 33 years of his life running bulldozers and
cranes. He worked on Chicago's Deep Tunnel Project and other major earth
moving projects, in and around the Chicagoland area. He is a proud member
of Local-Union #150, Operating-Engineers. Mr. Cronborg has a B.A. Degree
in Sociology from Southern Illinois University. Rich also is a well known
Chicago artist. He has been featured in a variety of Chicago television
news, and entertainment programs. Richard is a member of the Chicago
Artist's Coalition. Richard has been a furniture maker, marathon runner,
factory worker, pizza-delivery-man, bartender, and professional model. He
is happiest when he is at the gym, "pumping-iron" or in his art studio,
painting his Neo-Pop-Expressionistic canvases.